The 18 conflicts in the following list have caused fewer than 100 direct, violent deaths in a current or past calendar year.All our current refrigeration products are manufactured with either a metal flame retardant back or an aluminium foil covered flame retardant back, providing increased protection. Skirmishes and clashes (fewer than 100 combat-related deaths in current or past year) Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile Kurdish–Turkish conflict (2015–present).The 25 conflicts in the following list have caused at least 100, and fewer than 1,000, direct, violent deaths in a current or past calendar year.Ģ00,000–2,000,000 Minor conflicts (100–999 combat-related deaths in current or past year) Conflicts causing at least 1,000 deaths in one calendar year are considered wars by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program. The 17 conflicts in the following list have caused at least 1,000 and fewer than 10,000 direct, violent deaths in a current or past calendar year. Wars (1,000–9,999 combat-related deaths in current or past year) The 3 conflicts in the following list have caused at least 10,000 direct, violent deaths per year in battles between identified groups, in a current or past calendar year. Major wars (10,000 or more combat-related deaths in current or past year) A territorial dispute or a protest movement which has not experienced deliberate and systematic deaths due to state or paramilitary violence is not considered to be an armed conflict.Italics indicate disputed territories and unrecognized states. Location refers to the states where the main violence takes place, not to the warring parties.455+ indicates that at least 455 people have died).
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A figure with a plus symbol, indicates that at least that many people have died (e.g. Fatality totals may be inaccurate or unavailable due to a lack of information.Listed conflicts have at least 100 cumulative deaths in total and at least 1 death in current or in the past calendar year.Only direct deaths resulting from violence are included for the current and past year excess deaths indirectly resulting from famine, disease, or disruption of services are included along with violent deaths in the cumulative fatalities count when available.

Armed conflicts consist in the use of armed force between two or more organized armed groups, governmental or non-governmental.The guidelines of inclusion are the following: This list of ongoing armed conflicts identifies present-day conflicts and the death toll associated with each conflict. The following is a list of ongoing armed conflicts that are taking place around the world.